EcoTrack | a Kara Fiber project

Simple. Fast. Convenient. Effective.

Track Your Sustainability

How Does EcoTrack, Processing Works

Register to EcoTrack

Great! You signed up for the EcoTrack system! Now you are one step closer to tracking your sustainability.

Update your profile details

After login, fill your profile to best manage this process and for us to assist you in the best possible way. E.G. Profile Photo.

Starting the EcoTrack process

To take the first steps of this process, create a TRF from the "Reports" section. We know it's not short, but it's the best way.

Step by step for sustainability.

After creating a TRF, the system will automatically assign you a number starting with the "TRF" code and continuing with numbers. Save this code.

Send your samples.

Now you can send your sample to be tested to the address we have given you. Don't worry, all the details you need to pay attention to are clearly stated.

We are running our tests.

Now is the time to follow the process. You can follow the whole process with the "TRF" code we have allocated to you. Meanwhile, we will be performing our Ecocell-Lyocell material tests with all our care.

We have done all our tests, one step before the result.

You followed the whole process step-by-step and your sample came to conclusion. If you have passed the Ecocell-Lyocell material tests at the specific values, we can proceed to the last step.

All Done!

Great! All process and testing is over. We will prepare and send you a certificate. We are with you on sustainability.


Frequently Asked Questions

After you become a member and log in, all TRFs you send are automatically matched with your membership. You won't lose any of them. You can access all your TRF codes from the My Profile page and the Reports section.
Yes, if you have such a request, just send us your latitude and longitude information.
No need to worry, we can give you the TRF Form number you created after we verify your information. Now you can control your process with all details.
Of course, we can help you in this process, after verifying your identity and information, we will send you your approved certificate as a "PDF" via e-mail.
We are always open to innovations and developments, let us know how we can improve ourselves and we will work on it.

Further details about system;

Ecotrack - Help Desk

How we can help you? Typically we replies within a hour.

Hello, Welcome to Ecotrack. Please click the below button for sending us an email.